The Thanksgiving holiday and Steeler game are two great
reasons for celebrating. It is under these circumstances that good people
can make bad decisions with respect to alcohol and driving.
Although many people refer to the Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol law as
“Drunk Driving,” this is not technically accurate. One need not be
“drunk” to be arrested and prosecuted for D.U.I.; one need merely be “under the
influence.” The difference between being “drunk” and “under the
influence” is significant, and will cause many well-intentioned and good people
to drive when they feel as though they are capable. This mistaken feeling
can get one arrested. If you have suffered the unfortunate fate of being
stopped by police and tested for D.U.I., be polite and cooperative with police
during the entire testing process. The police are in control and will
administer the testing which is appropriate. However, do not make any
verbal admissions to wrongdoing, and upon your release by police, contact a
lawyer who specializes in D.U.I. defense. This is the smart way to handle
this serious situation. I will be available to assist during the holiday
and weekend at 412.391.7999. Have a blessed holiday and weekend.
Joseph A. Paletta, Esq.